Shinobu Ito

The University of Tokyo 
Research Center for Advanced Science & Technology_Advanced art and design _Project Associate Professor
Tama Art University  Visiting Professor
Politecnico di Milano  Adjunct Professor


Shinobu Ito is a Japanese Designer, Design director with a broad work experience in architecture, interior and space, surface, product, industrial and packaging design. Graduated at Tama Art University, she holds a Master at the Design Direction at Domus Academy. Between 1988 and 1995 she worked in CBS SONY (Sony Music Entertainment) as a designer with a sense of marketing, planning and promotion. She is currently active in Italy as a consultant and designer for European and Japanese companies. She also has activities in the sustainability of design for cultural heritage. She have received design awards such as:  "Compasso d' Oro" (2011, Italy), "Compasso d' Oro Menzione d' Onore" (2011, Italy), "Red Dot Award Best of the Best" (2016, Germany, Singapore), "Design Plus" (2016, Germany), "NY NOW Best Product" (2017, USA), ”The Good Design Award (2001, Japan), “Mastro d'arte della pietra” (2019, Italy_ since 1319 this award for the 700th anniversary of the traditional award given to the stone artist Maestro) and many other international design awards. Some projects are a part of permanent collection of the Triennale Design Museum in Milan. She is a visiting professor of Domus Academy, Polytechnic University of Milan, Raffles Milano (Italy) and Tama Art University (Japan). Project Associate Professor of the Research Center for Advanced Science & Technology at the University of Tokyo (Japan). She is a member of the ADI / Associazione Disegno Industriale (Italy), board member of the JAFCA / Japan Fashion Color Association (Japan) and the APDF / Asia Pacific Designers Federation (China). She is also a part of International Design Awards such as IAI Design Award (China). Published a biography book “Setsu & Shinobu Ito_E- ast-West Designer” (Logos Italy 2008).


Shinobu Ito

The University of TokyoCentro di Ricerca per Scienza e Tecnologia avanzate_Arte e Design avanzate_                                 Progetto professore Associato 

Tama Art University Visiting Professor                                                                                                                                            Politecnico di Milano Professore Associato


Shinobu Ito è una Designer, Design director, partner rappresentante dello Studio ITO Design con una vasta esperienza di lavoro in svariati settori, dai piccoli oggetti, packaging design, arredo, al design dello spazio e all'architettura. Svolgo una vasta gamma di lavori, dalle forme ai colori, alla grafica e al design delle superfici.

E project Associate Professor della University of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science & Technology, Advanced Art Design lab. Visiting Professor di Tama Art University (Tokyo, Japan), Adjunct Professor di Politecnico di Milano (Milan,Italy).

Laureata alla Tama Art University, consegue un Master presso la Domus Design Academy in Design Direction.

Tra il 1988 e il 1995 lavora in Sony Creative products (Sony group, Tokyo Japan) come designer con accezione di marketing. Attualmente è attiva in Italia e Giappone, come consulente e progettista per aziende europei e giapponesi.

Inoltre svolge attività per la sostenibilità del design per il patrimonio culturale con collaborazione con artigiani italiani e giapponesi. Tenere simposi internazionali su tema Sustainable Design.

Selezionata main graphic per la Melbourne Cup (2007,Australia). Ha ricevuto premi prestigiosi come "Compasso d'Oro" (2011, Italia), "Red Dot Design Award" - Best of the Best, "Design Plus" (2016,Germania), "NY NOW" Best Product award (2017,USA), ”The Good Design Award (2018, 2021,USA), Mastro d'Arte della Pietra” (2019,Italia_premio Mastro della pietra ha raggiunto il 700°anniversario) e "IF design award”(2023, 2021 Germania), e altri.

Membri del consiglio della Japan Fashion Color Association (Japan) e dell' APDF / Asia Pacific Designers Federation. Fa parte della giuria di International Design Award compreso IAI Design Award (Cina).

Nel 2008 viene pubblicata  Setsu & Shinobu Ito_East-West Designer” (Logos Italy), nel 2021 Woman Made - Great Woman Designers” (Phaidon, USA).

伊藤 節                                                                                                                                                                                                           デザイナー _ Studio ITO design 代表                                                                                                                                                               東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 先端アートデザイン 特任教授                                                                                                                  筑波大学 芸術系 教授
ミラノ工科大学  特任教授

伊藤志信 ( デザイナー ) 伊藤志信は、建築、インテリア、スペースからプロダクト、パッケージデザインまで多岐にわたるデザインを総合的に行っているデザイナーである。多摩美術大学卒業後、CBSソニー(現ソニーミュージックエンターテイメント)、ソニークリエイティブプロダクツを経て ドムスアカデミー修了後独立。1997 年ミラノにデザイン事務所を設立し、世界各国のクライアントに対する幅広いデザイン開発、 デザインコンサルタント業務を行う。世界各国で作品発表、展示会を行い、その作品は多数の書籍や雑誌に掲載されている。Premio Compasso d'oro 金賞、Premio Compasso d'oro 銀賞(伊)、Design Plus賞(独)、Reddot Award 2016 Best of the Best ()NY NOW Best Product賞(米)、Good Design (日本)等多くの 国際デザイン賞を受賞。その作品はミラノの近代美術館にパーマネントコレクションとして納められている。700年の歴史をもつイタリアの石の芸術マスター、Mastro d'Arte della Pietraの称号を得る(2019伊)。ミラノ工科大学、ベネツィア大学、Domus Academyラッフルズミラノ()で契約教授。多摩美術大学客員教授。東京大学先端科学技術研究センター特任准教授。ADI(伊)会員、日本流行色協会(日本)、APDF(中国)のボードメンバー。IAIデザイン賞(中国)他、国際デザイン賞の審査員を務める。“SETSU &SHINOBU ITO east & west designer"(Logos 出版社、2008 ) が出版される。