"HITOSHI" is a crystal glass series collection that was presented in 2000 as a homage to Setsu Ito's father. A collection of Tuscan crystals designed for the Italian brand Colle, consisting of a bottle, three glasses, a vase, a paperweight and a centerpiece. With a classical and well-balanced conical shape, the design details are on a solid and elegant base with cornered edges raised from the support surface for a secure grip. The design is reminiscent of the sculptor's father, who has always created works with a solid core.

“HITOSHI” は2000年に伊藤節の父へのオマージュとして発表された、クリスタルグラスシリーズコレクションです。イタリアのブランドColleのためにデザインされたトスカーナのクリスタルのコレクションで、ボトル、3種類のグラス、花瓶、文鎮、センターピースで構成されています。

Product name: "HITOSHI"
Designer: Setsu ITO
Manufacture: Colle
Material: Crystal glass
Bottle h280(mm)
ice bucket h130(mm)
Glass h80 , H150 , H90, H100 (mm)
Centerpiece h180 (mm)
Design work year : 2000